That's what the month of August brought to me as Hubby & I moved to the Knoxville area due to his new job. I packed all my cookie supplies, along with 23 years' worth of stuff and memories [after a yard sale and major purging] and followed the movers to our new home - and it really IS new compared to the nearly 100-year-old farmhouse where we raised our kids. Instead of mowing 3.5 acres, we now have a 'regular' sized yard that requires much less maintenance; live in a subdivision in town instead of the country; and have neighbors next door instead of a quarter-mile down the road.
So, no new cookie photos but here are a few photos from orders taken in July:
From top to bottom: red-white-and-blue for a friend's 4th of July family celebration; my version of Glory Albin's baby shower cookie design, made for a customer; and Angry Birds for a special young man.
I haven't yet found storage for my cookie supplies but broke open the boxes this week and now I'm itching to get started again. Will be looking for new customers over here in the hills but there are still all my loyal friends and customers in NW Tennessee to bake for, so get ready!
The Cookie Lady
Wow. Those baby cookies are so so pretty and soft! I love the colors you used!!